Residents protest transfer of 35,000 hectares to Guna region

1,601Views 0Comments Posted 22/05/2022


Residents of the Chepo district held a protest on the shores of Lake Bayano on Sunday in rejection of Bill 241, which was presented by the Guna deputy of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Petita Ayarza, and which was approved in the third debate in the National Assembly.

This project establishes that 35,000 hectares of Lake Bayano will form part of the Guna de Madugandí region.

Leaders explained that their disagreement lies in the fact that transferring these 35,000 hectares creates conflicts or problems of coexistence that did not exist in the area.

They announced that the next step to follow is to go to the Presidency, to demand that the president, Laurentino Cortizo, veto the project, which they consider has been without consultation.

“ We believe that the healthiest thing is to reiterate that part of Lake Bayano  belongs to people from Chepo who have lived there for years  and they warn that the project is "reckless" and creates conflicts or problems that did not exist in the area,

The controversial project was approved on May 5, by the plenary session of the National Assembly.