Court to investigate Martinelli Activities in Financial Pacific

548Views 0Comments Posted 09/09/2015

HOURS after the news broke that a Ricardo Martinelli appointed judge ruled that that the court could not investigate a complaint filed by the Superintendency of Securities over trades made of shares of Petaquilla Minerals   the plenum of the Supreme Court reversed the decision.

It has  decided to investigate the former president for alleged financial crimes regarding transactions within the brokerage house Financial Pacific.

The plenum decided to "reshape" a draft ruling prepared by Judge Hernán De León, who will remain as the rapporteur of the case.

De León has originally ruled that the court could not investigate the complaint over trades made of shares of the Canadian company Petaquilla, through four accounts at Financial Pacific.

De León, has come under intense scrutiny due to the fact that it took him more than two months to issue a decision about the complaint, which was filed June 29 and assigned to him on July 1.