OPINION: And the rich man drives by

La Prensa cartoonist Lowi highlights government proglifacy while other needs like justice, health, education, security, and the cost of the basic food basket go unattended

972Views 8Comments Posted 10/09/2020

The Ministry of the Presidency manages the rental of 251 vehicles for an amount greater than $ 10 million. Under less pressing circumstances, this hire wouldn't be so outrageous. But our officials seem to forget that we are in the midst of a pandemic, that tens of thousands of people have been left without work, that many small businesses have probably gone bankrupt, that we have much higher priorities than meeting this expense. What should be done is to invest every penny to boost the economy, as there will be a serious impact from this health emergency that will continue for several more months. Allocating such an amount of money to rent cars reveals the human smallness of our rulers, while thousands of Panamanians who trusted them remain mired in uncertainty, wondering what will become of them and their families. The few resources of the country should not be wasted on trivialities that only seek the comfort of those who spend these millions. How can you call this good government? How empty these words sound in the face of such waste! - LA PRENSA, Sep.11

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