Suntracs-led protests continue

Construction workers affiliated with the Suntracs union closed several points in the country on Monday. From early hours, they blocked the Inter-blockages on the coastal strip (in Costa del Este and Punta Pacifica), on the Ricardo J. Alfaro road, Vía España and Aquilino de la Guardia avenue and Avenida Balboa the South corridor, at  ​​Costa del Este.  SuAmerican highway, at  Arraiján and Howard. There were also closures and protests on Centenario road, in front of Merca Panamá. Users reported ntracs, which is part of the Alianza Pueblo Unidos por la Vida, had announced that it would intensify protest actions. Saúl Méndez, general secretary of Suntracs said: "The leaders in Veraguas have attempted to assume and usurp the representation of all organizations at the national level, which is totally unacceptable.” Sunday night, the  National Alliance for the Rights of the Organized People (Anadepo), the organization that started the protests two weeks ago signed a pact with the Cortizo government establishing, the price of gasoline and diesel at $3.25. In exchange, the reopening of all streets was allowed.

1,925Views 0Comments Posted 18/07/2022