Panama's youth no study no work challenge

La Prensa graphic The lack of educational and employment opportunities in Panama has led to a rebound in the number of young people from  15 to  29 years that neither study nor work – (ninis)- in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, Panama had 218,532 ninis and in 2017 it rose to 242, 1,621 (25.5% of young people in that age group). The highest peak was in 2004: 267,461 461 ninis. (See graphic). One of the factors that influenced the increase is that each year 85,000 young people conclude a training program and the economy generates only 44,000 places. A global report places Panama as the third - of nine Latin American economies - with the most ninis.

816Views 4Comments Posted 15/07/2018