OFF THE CUFF: Water jinks override dying cattle

896Views 0Comments Posted 02/02/2016

THE ADMINISTRATOR of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), Gustavo Him, seems  to have a talent for mixing apples and oranges  as he equates Panama's Cinta Costera. noise and water fest with the Rio Carnaval, and his water  problems with the Zika virus in Brazil.

Last week he  defended the use of scarce water resources to allow carnival revelers to dance under jets from hosepipes attached to tankers (culecos)  during the current drought, on the basis that it brought in tourist dollars. This while cattle are dying and corn groups shriveling.

This week as the Agriculture  Minister denounced the practice  as a crime. Him    had to partially back peddle on his announcement about culecos on the Cinta Costera as the government decided to reduce by two hours daily the time for partying under the depleted water supply.

Culecos were  initially to be  from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, but now will be from 10:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m., he said on  Telemetro.

"The Rio Carnival continues in spite of all the problems that Brazil has," he added. Culecos vs Zika ?