New Maritime boss to review all previous deals

467Views 0Comments Posted 07/07/2014

 ALL CONCESSIONS granted by The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) during the previous administration will be reviewed by the new director,Jorge Barakat Pitty.

He said  Monday, July 7, that this will be done through audits, and a strategic plan for concessions that will be developed at the national level. resulting in higher revenues for the state and avoiding speculation.

"It is urgent to make changes to ensure a transparent and honest administration," he said.
Barakat, who is a member of the National Board of the Panameñista party, emphasized that he intends to place Panama "in the first world" in terms of its international port system, reports La Prensa
To do so, he said, the country will need to improve its agencies that regulate the merchant marine and public registry.
Barakat replaces Roberto Linares Tribaldos, who resigned June 30.